It's Not What You Know...

Part One - Casting Dice

by Sabia


Disclaimer: The X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Generation X and Deadpool belong to Marvel Comics. This is a nonprofit work of fiction. Julia de Santos/Shockwave belongs to me but she'll deny it if asked. Jeopardy and Coco Puffs belong to their respective owners.


Author's notes: Okay, a few weeks overdue but I get there eventually. I've played merry hobs with some of the X-continuity in this one. I've ignored most of the Deadpool ongoing series. Partially because I preferred the characterization in the two limited series and partially because, for the most part, I think the ongoing series is kind of goofy. Yes, the other teams show up here and there but don't worry, this doesn't deviate from being an X-Force fic.

This story is the direct sequel to Shockwave but should make sense on its own.

~telepathic conversation~
*sound effects*

Warning: Some strong language throughout all parts

Julia de Santos, newbie X-Force member, among other things, stepped out of the limo and regarded their destination.

X-Force had decided to celebrate their latest successful mission and to get out of having dinner at the mansion. In a effort to expose their team to more civilized surroundings, Cable and Domino had decreed that festivities would take place at an upscale restaurant which featured formal dancing and a dress code so steep it was a vertical line.

She took in the beautiful French manor home on a few acres of manicured lawn. La Rustica. The Rustic? She wondered. No way. She adjusted her full-length cloak and smiled at the person beside her. Shatterstar was studying the building as if he was planning some attack in his mind. Knowing him, he probably was. He had been coerced into a tuxedo and had complained when told that no, one doesn't hide knives in the cummerbund.

"What's your assessment?" She asked as the rest of their team filed out of the car. "I think we could secure the entire place in eighteen minutes provided we don't have to worry about survivors or hostages."
He raised an eyebrow. "Why so long? I estimate that our teammates have skill to accomplish the task in approximately twelve minutes."
"Partially because none of the women will be able to run in dresses and heels." She explained.
"Ah, yes. I had not included that in my calculations."
"You guys are weird." Tabitha Smith said from behind them.
"But we're happy this way." Julia pointed out. "That has to count for something."
"So, Julia." Roberto DaCosta began as the valet drove off. "Are you actually unarmed right now?"
"'Berto! Is that any question to ask a lady?" She gasped.
"I'm not asking a lady." He grinned. "I'm asking you."
"Ooh. That's low." She smiled . "Maybe."
"Now I will admit to envy." said Shatterstar. "I don't think it is fair that you are permitted to bring weapons while I am not."
"Blade envy?" Roberto asked with the barest smirk.
"'Berto, Ah think that's something the man might want to keep to himself with women present." Sam Guthrie hinted. He was technically with the X-Men now but they had taken pity on him and invited him out.
"Who said anything about being permitted?" Julia asked curiously. "I didn't ask so nobody said no."
Tabitha smirked. "'Star, you gotta get with the program. Terry told me Wade brings at least one gun whenever they go out."
Shatterstar sighed. Sometimes adhering to his customary two swords was exceptionally difficult in a country that claimed that one had the right to bear arms.
"Shall we go in then? I understood that the others would be awaiting our arrival."
This was taken as an acceptable suggestion and they followed the artfully decorated walkway up to the entrance. Statuary along the sides was in the neo-classical style, meaning half-dressed voluptuous people in a variety of poses. Sam and Tabitha walked ahead, hand in hand, making whispered comments to each other.
"You know, if this wasn't art it would be indecent." Roberto noted, taking in a particularly flexible nymph.
"Roman culture gave western civilization drunken orgies as religious festivals. The art makes sense as long as you remember that." said Julia. "Aren't you going to visit Nova Roma in a couple weeks?"
"Well, yes." He said. "But drunken orgies weren't on the brochure."
"They seldom are. It's sort of a hidden benefit." She said. "You'll be in time for the fall festival. I suggest that you bring some aspirin."
Shatterstar glanced at her. "Did you not tell me that the Guild was created in Rome?"
"Yes, but we're progressive. We're up to the middle ages." She explained. "Togas are out but chainmail is in."
"But the religion is similar to Nova Roma's?" He asked.
"Um, yes." She allowed.
Roberto grinned. "I'll bet people lined up to take religion classes."


There was nothing so crass as a lounge. Instead, persons awaiting other members of their party were entertained in a series of parlors on the main floor. A string ensemble was featured in one room and servants poured a selection of wines in another.

Seated discreetly at the back of the room, Domino was enjoying the pleasant strains of Vivaldi's Concerto in G Major. The luxury of the surroundings made the formal dress she was wearing, not to mention the make-up that concealed her distinctive oval birthmark, worth it. I might not want this every day of the week but it's nice to indulge once in a while, she thought. She looked up at a movement at her side. Nate Summers was smiling down at her and holding out a glass.
"A drink, Dom?"
"Certainly." She smiled, taking the glass. "Mmm. Very nice."
"I thought so." He commented, sitting down beside her. He relaxed as the soothing strains of the music drifted over them. Now this was living, he thought. Beautiful company, good wine and good food. We get so involved with fighting day to day that we almost forget what it's like to relax and enjoy things.

James Proudstar was listening to the commentary from the servant pouring the wines. He'd been lost when the man had started going on about 'bouquet' and 'nose' but decided to tough it out. Risque was standing beside him with a skeptical expression.
"James, I don't smell any oranges in this." She said, indicating the glass of white wine in her hand.
"Neither do I." He answered. Even with his enhanced senses all he could make out was a pleasant, vaguely apple smell. I think they're yanking us, he thought.
They collected their glasses and wandered out of the wine tasting room. Risque caught a glimpse of Cable and Domino in the room where the music was coming from. They'd been cool about inviting her out with them once she admitted she was a mutant too. She figured that they wanted to meet the girl who'd been keeping James out all night. They don't act like superheros, she mused. They're more like a high-class street gang.
He glanced down at her as she snickered to herself. "What's so funny?"
"I just thought your crew, in gang colors, tagging walls." She said.
"I think we're doing that later."
He spotted Wade Wilson and Theresa Rourke loitering around the picture gallery. From the occasional laugh he could hear from Terry, it was safe bet that Wade was giving his own brand of artistic critique. The man might be a completely scumsucking mercenary but he sure is good to her, he thought. Probably the only reason Cable let him come along. Well, okay, in all fairness he did come to save our butts on that island so he should be allowed to enjoy the party afterwards too.


A liveried servant showed them into a private dinning room. The walls were lined with portraits of miscellaneous nobles and there was already so much crystal and china on the long table that it was hard to see were there would be any room for food.

"We're not gonna be getting chicken strips in this joint." said Wade as they found their seats. He looked down at a place setting. "Damn, that's a lot of cutlery."
"Lower your voice." Julia advised. "I think you'll get taken out and shot if you talk about fast food here."
"Let 'em try. I'll fight them off with my seventeen different spoons." He sneered as he held out a chair for Terry.
Domino pulled a small box out her purse and flicked it on. "Everybody, just so you know, the room's clean."
Cable nodded. He had done a quick telepathic sweep of the staff too. "Consider the waiters checked."
"Ye never let up, do ye Cable?" Terry smiled. "It's nae a bad thing, of course."
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you." He said mildly.
Domino smiled. "That's the daily affirmation for mutants, all right."
A wine butler came in and began serving. Reassured or not, they waited until he left to begin talking again.
"What sort of business are you in, Risque?" Sam asked politely.
"If she's an insurance agent my day is made." Wade commented from the other end of the table.
"I do free-lance knee-capping." Risque smiled.
He grinned. "Busting heads for fun and profit?"
"Yeah. It pays the bills." She said.
Terry decided to give in to her curiosity. "Can I ask ye if 'Risk' is yer real name?"
She hesitated for an instant. Hell, the old man's a telepath. It's not like he couldn't find out if he really wanted to. "The name's Gloria Muņoz, actually. I started using Risque when I started out on my own. It's spelled with q-u-e."
"I still can't get into this codename thing." said Julia quietly to Shatterstar.
"I am only pleased that I was not required to adopt such an alias." He answered. He looked across the table to Wade. "What is 'Deadpool'? Or is there no meaning to that name?"
"Would you believe it actually means something?" Wade asked rhetorically. "It's a betting pool where you try and guess what famous people are going to be planted six feet deep by the end of the year."
Roberto leaned forward. "That's cooler that I thought it would be."
"Yeah." Tabitha agreed. "You know, I need a new name. Something more kicking than 'Boomer'."
"What's wrong with that? It's an improvement over 'Boom-Boom'." Jimmy noted.
Julia and Risque broke out laughing. They hadn't been around for that particular stage.
"I'm sorry, Tabs." Julia managed. Gods, what rational person could introduce themselves as 'Boom-Boom'?
"Me too." Risque snickered. "She's right. The girl needs an new name."

They mulled over possible suggestions while the waiters came in and served the first course. There was a short debate on which utensil to use after they left.

Cable cleared his throat. "All right, Tabitha. How about 'Plasma'?"
"That sounds like a blood product." said Domino. She tapped the table in thought. She generates time-delayed explosive plasma. What's a catchy name for that? "I'm drawing blanks here, people."
"Okay, how about 'Exploder'?" Roberto offered.
"Sounds like a defective car." Sam objected. He had variety of pet names for her but none of them would be suitable codenames. She could hardly go into a fight called 'Snuggums' or 'Cuddle Puff'.
Jimmy snapped his fingers. "The Mad Bomber!"
"I believe that name is already being used." said Shatterstar.
"Really?" Terry asked. "Tabs, how about 'Fireball'?"
"That's not bad." Tabitha considered as she prodded dish that had been set in front of her. "This is a weird looking salad."
Shatterstar studied the object on his plate. He assumed he was to eat it but it didn't look like anything obviously edible. He glanced at Julia. She had not touched her portion either.
"What is this?" He asked finally.
"It's an artichoke." She answered. "A sort of single-serving hassle. You're supposed to remove the leaves, that's these bits, and then rake the thing through your teeth." She indicated the condiment in the little saucers. "That's a dip for the leaves."
He regarded her carefully. Is she joking? No, she appears to be serious. Most of the others were playing with the thing rather than eating it. He noticed that Domino was delicately enjoying her artichoke. Ah, so it can be eaten then.
He pulled at a leaf experimentally and tried it. The flavor was palatable but most of the thing was not to be eaten. How strange.
"What do ye think?" Terry inquired. She'd only tried one leaf before deciding she didn't want to worry about bits stuck between her teeth.
"I think we should punt them out the window." said Wade.
Jimmy looked up from the fiddly little dish. "As scary as it sounds, I'm with him on this."
"Why are these cultivated? Shatterstar inquired. "Are they some remainder of some other plant?"
Domino shook her head. "No, it's cultivated for itself. Artichokes are a member of the thistle family."
"What dumb fool would go around eating thistles?" Tabitha asked. She tried another leaf. "It's kinda messy."
"Ah think you'd have to be mighty hungry to try." Sam commented. "Ah sort of like it though."

The rest of the dinner went relatively smoothly with only one bread roll being thrown. They restrained themselves from having a true food fight just to see what the waiters would do.


After dinner they were shown to the garden pavilion. A small orchestra was playing under the ornate glass roof and there were servants circulating around ferrying drinks.

A nattily dressed staff photographer came by holding a old-fashioned camera as they milled around the statuary. Julia drifted away towards the wine tasting table. Pictures? I'm out of here, she thought.
"Would you like your photograph taken? He asked them charmingly.
Sam glanced at Tabitha. "Ah think it'd be nice to have a picture of us all dressed up."

Julia picked out a nice light red wine and contemplated her reflexive avoidance of cameras. Old habits go out kicking and screaming, don't they? She thought.
Wade sauntered up. "Didn't you want to smile for the birdie?" He asked as he picked up a glass.
"No. How about you?" She asked as they moved out of earshot from the table.
"Uh, uh." He tapped his face. His image inducer created a very realistic illusion of a pleasant-looking blond man over his ruined features. "The FotoMart kids'll freak if this doesn't show up on film and the real me does."
She nodded as she watched Sam and Tabitha pose happily for the camera. This proved to be inspiration for the rest. Roberto stood beside a heroic statue. Jimmy and Risque embraced dramatically. Terry smiled prettily in front of a fountain.
"Got to get me a few dozen copies of that." Wade noted.
Julia laughed. "My, you're just hooked, aren't you?"
"Yeah, hooked and happy." He sipped his wine. "She's the best thing that's happened to me in a helluva long time. I think I'd really have gone permanent fruitloops without her. Why the hell am I even telling you this?"
"Because I'm a nice person who gives a damn." She explained patiently.
"Yeah. Jeez, you're so nice it's unreal. Can't you torture small animals for kicks like a regular assassin?"
She considered the request. "I ignore my houseplants on occasion. Does that count?"
"I'll have to check the regulations." He said. He nodded towards Shatterstar. The former gladiator was listening as Domino gave yet another lecture on the superiority of classical music. "I'll bet Ponytail Boy wants a picture of you."
"He sees me nearly every day." She pointed out. "He knows what I look like."
"You ain't got any romance in your soul at all, do you?" He shook his head.
"Wade, we're just friends." She said.
"Uh, huh." He poked her in the shoulder. "I dare you. Go over there and get a picture done with him."
"Ow." She complained. "A dare, hmm? I guess that makes it okay."


Shatterstar tried not to let on how utterly wearied he was with the music lesson. He realized that there was much more to Earth culture than MTV but he didn't care to learn about it all at once. He felt a gentle pat on his arm and turned.
Julia smiled at him. "I'm going to interrupt your music appreciation class, if I may."
Domino sighed. It wasn't as if he was paying much attention anyway.
"Sure, go ahead." Culture. She'd hoped they could apply it like a coat of paint on the kids. No such luck, even for her. She waved as she sought out Nate.
"My thanks for the rescue." said Shatterstar.
"Hold your thanks. I want something in return." She warned.
"Oh? Do you wish to subdue the staff here and claim this facility for our own?" He asked hopefully. "I advise we take the kitchen first to secure suitable weapons. The butter knives available to us now are inadequate."
She giggled. "Are you really that bored?"
"Yes." He admitted. "What did you wish to do?"
She took a breath. "I'd like for that photographer to take a picture of us."
He brightened considerably. "I would like that also. Why did you decide this?"
"Wade dared me. I couldn't back down."
"That is true." He said as pulled her towards the dreaded camera.


Much to their team's amusement, Cable led Domino to the dance floor under the glass pavilion. He liked waltzes. There were only so many steps one had to know and even he could manage to look graceful doing them.
"You look right at home, Nate." She smiled.
He smiled back. Damn, I can't believe how long it took us, took me, to realize what we had. "I like this, Dom. Even I can't breathe gun oil every day."
"But you bath in it." She said with a wicked glint in her violet eyes.
"That's just good hygiene." He said without looking the least bit ruffled. "It's very important."


Sam had already seen dozens of amazing things in life but the 'good life', as this was known, made him feel like he was still an ignorant hick from a backwater town. His tuxedo itched and he didn't know enough about the music or the wine or the food to make any conversation. Domino had given him a crash course in formal dancing so he was fairly certain he could dance with Tabitha without looking like a total fool. He watched Cable and Domino for a few moments. I can do this, he told himself.
"Did you want to dance, Tabs?" He asked with more confidence than he felt.
Tabitha smiled radiantly and his heart did a little flip-flop in his chest. She's so pretty, he thought.
"No, it's okay. I'm not into these tunes." She said. "Want to check out the hedge maze? It looks pretty cool." I know you can't possibly be into dancing here, she thought. And I'm not into tormenting my boyfriend just because I can.
He sagged a bit with relief. "That sounds good."

On the farthest side of the dancing area from Cable and Domino, Wade and Terry were swirling gracefully to the music. Every now and then, Wade could see a disapproving look being aimed his way from Domino. Okay, I did some massively nasty things to her but jeez, I'm a merc. So is she. It comes with the territory. She and the tin man got enough dirt on them to plant a wheat field. Didn't help that most of my sanity was on a timeshare when I was doing that job.
"What's wrong?" Terry asked softly.
"Babe, do you get a lot of flack for, you know, dating a creep like me?" He asked. Christ, do I even want to know the answer?
"Donnae talk like that. Yer not a creep." She frowned. "And nae, there's been nae trouble. I'm free to choose my friends, ye know."
He hugged her a bit closer. "Yeah, I know. At the risk of veering off into irredeemable mush, I'm real freaking glad you're my friend."
"The mushy merc." She whispered with a grin. "I donnae think that'll do yer reputation any favors."
"No kidding. It sounds like my butt's sagging." He groused.
She looked at him speculatively then reached around.
"Eep!" He yelped as she pinched lightly.
"Donnae worry. It's nae sagging." She assured him.


Two suitable photographs were taken and they retreated to garden. James and Risque had disappeared into the maze, probably to make out in comparative privacy. Roberto had found an amiable young socialite and was currently charming her on the dance floor.

"What do you think of this place?" Julia asked curiously as they found a nice gazebo. "How do the well-off types live on your world?"
"There is not a wealthy class as you would know it here." said Shatterstar reflectively. "Those who have the highest rated programs are given many luxuries by my people's standards. Private rooms, attendants and so forth. Those things may be taken away if one's program is downchanneled."
She tilted her head. "Pardon?"
"If the show looses popularity." He was staring at the garden without seeing it. Often, such loss of popularity meant that the warrior would be canceled. He remembered watching as the warrior whose show lost ratings to his had been taken away. "Those who leave the network, the Arena, live by scavenging what they can from the outskirts of the cities."
"Isn't there other things they could do? Join a private army or something? Didn't you say there's other native species?"
"Yes, but they serve the Spineless Ones as well. There is no concept of personal wealth. The Networks own everything."
"So, there's the ruling class made up of the Spineless Ones. The peasants are the other native species. And the slaves are your people. Is that right?"
"Yes. I suppose that is an accurate assessment."
"Gods. The worst of socialism and feudalism in one package." She sighed. Talk about an uphill climb, she thought. She missed his blank look at her terms. "Do you like this kind of thing?" She waved to include the manor, the grounds, the servants.
He considered. "I think I like the privilege this represents. This location is aesthetically pleasing as well. I am not very comfortable in the clothing required, though. Or the entertainment that is customary."
She laughed quietly. "You'd go stir crazy at the Guild. I think you'd like Nova Roma, though. Still no TV but there's live entertainment that's a lot more exciting than this. It's the only city that continues to hold gladiator games after two thousand years."
He perked up. "I was not aware such things are done here. Please tell me about them."
"Well, because the population is fairly small, not many matches are to the death. Usually those are when convicted criminals are fighting. If they win, they go free. Most of the gladiators are the younger sons of families that can't afford to send them to the academies. It's considered a good living. Sort of like sports stars are here." She smiled at his amazed expression. "Some of them become very popular with their own fan following."
"They fight of their own will?" He asked intently.
"Yes. Slaves aren't permitted to participate."
"I think I would be comfortable in that culture." He decided. "How do you find this place? You seem suited to it."
"Honestly? This isn't modern enough to be fun and not old enough to be familiar." She said thoughtfully. "It's civilized, I guess."

Roberto bowed graciously to his dance partner and ambled over. "Isn't this place great?"
"I take it then you find this environment highly acceptable?" Shatterstar asked.
"Definitely. This is the kind of life my family is used to." He smiled.
Julia smiled at the girl who was watching from the other side of the pavilion.
"It didn't take you long to find an admirer." She told Roberto.
"What are you talking about?" He asked. "We've been here for almost two hours."
"That is true. However, the time available for you to attract such attention has been, at most, twenty minutes." Shatterstar commented.
"I'm practicing. If I'm going to going to Rio with Gambit I've got to make sure my women-charming skills are honed to a point." Roberto grinned.
Julia looked up at the sky. "Gods above. How will you ever avoid disappointing so many of the fair maidens? There's only one of you to go around, after all."
"Was that sarcasm?" He asked.
"Maybe." She smiled.
Shatterstar turned at the exclamations of surprise he could hear coming from the maze.
"It appears that Jimmy and Risque's activities have been interrupted by Sam and Tabitha."


The next morning, bright and entirely too early, the full roster of X-Men and X-Force met in the War Room. In attendance was also Emma Frost and Sean Cassidy from the Massachusetts Academy with their students. On the wall monitors, a link to the Muir Island base of Excalibur showed that team around a similar conference table.

Cable stood and observed his audience. It was actually quite small when compared to the number of people they'd be pulling into their plans. He and Domino were aiming to convince this group first to get a handle on what kind of support they could count on. Okay, Dayspring, use those great law school persuasion skills.

"I'd like to thank everybody for making the time to meet with us and to Excalibur for agreeing to the videolink on such short notice." He began. Given his rather unflattering reputation, he'd figured he'd have to make a real effort to win them over. From the raised eyebrows and mildly surprised looks, he could guess that they didn't expect to hear one civilized phrase out of his mouth in their lifetimes.
"Domino and I have been re-evaluating our means and goals for our team and we've come to the conclusion that the methods we've been employing aren't as effective as we'd like them to be."
There were more than a few chuckles and muffled comments.
"You've figured out that running around blowing things up isn't working, Cable?" Emma asked with a cool smile.
He smiled back pleasantly. You're not going to sharpen your claws on me, lady.
"I've figured out a lot of things, Emma." He glanced around the room. "Refresh my memory somebody. Why are we even hiding out in our little groups?"
There were more than a couple confused looks.
"We're not hiding out, Nate." Scott Summers said. "We're fighting for human-mutant peace." Beside him, his wife Jean nodded.
Domino started handing down a bundle of papers. "Everybody take one and pass the rest along. Kitty, if you don't mind, you can go ahead."
On screen, Kitty Pryde nodded and started passing around handouts to her teammates.
"So we're all fighting for human-mutant peace." said Cable thoughtfully. "And is it working?"
"What are you getting at Nathan?" Ororo Monroe asked.
"Nah, I think things are getting more screwed up." Bobby Drake put in. Several X-Men frowned at him. "I mean, come on. We've been doing this since we were kids practically. And we're still here."
"Doing what, Drake?" Cable asked curiously.
"Um, you know. We wear cool costumes. Mine's coolest, of course. We fight the bad guys then we come home and watch Jeopardy." He grinned.
"But you said things are getting more screwed up." Cable pointed out. "What are we doing wrong?"
Hank McCoy smiled. He could see where the argument was going. "Our noble efforts to alter the manner in which those of us with X-factor are regarded by the public at large are not as successful as we would wish them to be because of the haphazard and episodic nature of those efforts."
"In English, Blue Boy." Jubilation Lee called from the balcony.
Tabitha leaned over to Julia. "How'd you think he said that without taking a breath?"
"Beats me." She whispered back. Maybe being wordy was also one his mutant traits, she considered.
"We dinnae have a master plan, Jubilee." Sean explained. "We get attacked by some beastie then we go after him."
She tilted her head. "Uh, yeah. So? That's what heroes do, right?"
"Yes, it is." Cable nodded. "But is being heroes enough to win the fight? I've seen the future. I've lived it. So has Scott, Jean and Bishop. And do you know what? As long as we're heroes nothing changes!"
Charles Xavier leaned forward. "What are you saying, then? That our dream of peace is no longer worth fighting for?"
"No. What we are recommending is a fundamental change in the way we operate." He announced.
"What are you proposing then?" Charles asked.
"A covert approach." He said. "We work at securing the means of influencing the public through the media and influencing the government through political and economic pressure."
Emma raised a perfect eyebrow. "Hold press conferences, that sort of thing?"
"Yes." He indicated the reports in front of them. "We've listed some possible avenues of action. I'll be the first to say that I'm a soldier not a politician so we need as many people who are comfortable in that area as possible to come on board."

There was a general shuffling of paper as the people began flipping through the report. Domino watched their reactions as they mulled over the ideas.
~How's it looking to you, Dom?~ Cable asked through their link.
~Pretty good. Hard to tell what Xavier is thinking, though. It might get unpleasant if he thinks this is an attack on what he's been telling them do all this time~ She sent back.
~It is an attack. We just have to be nice about it~
~Then it's no problem. You're the embodiment of 'nice', aren't you?~
~I have to be when I'm with such a cute merc like you ~
He shut down his end of their link before he could hear her response. I'll look like a lunatic if I start laughing and that will not help, he thought. Domino was smiling at him with that particular air that suggested he was going to be hunted down and skinned as soon as she could separate him from the crowd.

Sean Cassidy skimmed a few pages. "Ye've really hit on something here." He tapped a page that held an especially appealing idea to him. "The idea of being linked to Interpol is good. It'll give us some kind of authority to deal with the trouble makers that come around."
Warren Worthington looked up. "I like the idea of buying up a few television stations and banning anti-mutant advertisements."
"I think we should go ahead and try nail the Friends of Humanity for racist hate crimes." Kitty said over the speakers. "They wouldn't get away with all their garbage if it was Blacks or Jews."
Emma perused the pages about possible allies. "You want to open negotiations with the Hellfire Club?" This shows some real promise, she thought. If they're going to be planning on this scale I can't afford to be left out. She studied Cable's serious expression. Looks like the old dog can learn new tricks.
Domino nodded. "Yes. There's a lot of influential people that belong to the Club and most of them haven't been outed as mutants. Also, they've got the economic and political know-how we need."
She placed her report down. "I'm in. I'll even approach the Hellfire Club for you."
"Thank you, Emma." said Cable.
"Aye, ye can count me in as well." said Sean.
"I'm in too. I'll do the lobbying thing." said Bobby. "Bugging people all day sounds good to me."
"I, however, am not." said Charles. The conversations around the room stopped and they stared at him. "This plan presupposes that the goal is to supplant current governmental authority, is that correct?"
"Yes, it is." said Domino calmly. "We're not getting anywhere by hoping they'll see the light of day and give us our rights so we've got to go and get them."
There were murmurs of agreement and nodding from the others.
"And the manipulation of the media you are advising? How do you defend the morality of that?"
"I don't. Sometimes the straightest path is through the mud." She glanced at the suddenly uncertain faces of the X-Men. He's really owns you guys, doesn't he? "The media can do more damage to the dream in five minutes than a month of good works can fix."
"No kidding." Kitty said. "No matter what we do, the reporters and the government spokesmen always spin it to blame us for whatever happened."
"What of the need for an opposition against those threats that the authorities cannot deal with?" Charles asked.
"We recommend that those types of situations continue to be handled by an active combat team but when the authorities request that assistance." said Cable. "This wouldn't be like X-Factor's current arrangement. The team would be independent of the government but willing to help when the need arises."
"That sound remarkably reasonable for you, Cable." Brian Braddock said over the speakers. "No unprovoked attacks anymore?"
There was some laughter at that dig.
"Well, no. I'm a little too old to start changing all my ways." He said dryly. "We do see a need for a dirty works team."
"Everybody gets one guess as to who that's going to be." said Warren said. He waved at X-Force, sitting in the balcony. "Them."
"Not necessarily." Domino corrected. She smiled slightly at the disappointed expressions. "The hard part of making up a roster of a team that's going to be breaking the law when they have to is that we can't have someone having a moral crisis half-way through a mission."
"Mais oui. De X-Men have de moral crisis before an' after de missions." Remy LeBeau pointed out. "We good dat way."
"Professionals all the way." She said with a tight hold on her impulse to laugh.
"We'd like for everyone to read our recommendations, think about them, think about why we're fighting and then give us an answer either way." Cable requested. "Charles, we would very much like to know what you think."
Charles sat back in his wheelchair. What I think? He mused. I think this is not why I founded this school. This is not why I founded the X-Men. The powers, the gifts, we have are wasted in this kind of subterfuge. His gaze swept over his first set of students. I intended for you to be the heroes of our dream. Isn't that enough?
"I will consider this report and inform you of my evaluation." He said aloud. He pushed his chair away from the table and left the room.

The meeting broke with mixed reactions. Excalibur signed off to discuss things among themselves. Emma and Sean stayed to talk with Cable and Domino further. Bobby said he'd have to think about it now and joined the X-Men as they left to have their own conference. Sam stayed back to talk with his sister Paige and the rest of her classmates.
"What are y'all doing now?" He asked Terry.
She shrugged. "I donnae know. We're all in so we donnae have to spend hours talking about it."


They moved to the living room in search of a little privacy. Roberto snagged the remote control and they all groaned.
"I'm not going to switch it to Magnum." He said, looking injured. "Women's Beach Volleyball is on."
"Ye'd better reconsider that, boyo." Terry advised. She waved her copy of the report at them. "What did ye think about this?"
Tabitha shrugged. "I was almost worried when Dom said it might not be us to do the good stuff. But since she was just kidding this sounds okay to me."
"Nae, I mean about the whole thing."
Jimmy looked away from the television briefly. "I think it depends if Xavier is going to go for it. If he doesn't, the X-Men won't and we'll still be doing stuff they don't like."
"Won't it be reversed, though?" Julia asked. She was curled up on sofa with her copy in her hands. "The X-Men will be doing things that we don't like because it really isn't helping the cause?"
"Then we can threaten to turn them over to the government for a change." Roberto remarked with his eyes glued to the screen. "Spike!"
"Ah'll phone them for you." said Sam as he came in and sat next to Tabitha. "Ya'll should hear them over there. Ah think a lot of them don't like the suggestions because it's Cable making them."
"That is hardly rational." Shatterstar stated. "I am pleased that a plan has been formulated. It seems to me that most, if not all, our enemies often develop sophisticated strategies while we do not."
"Ah like it too." He said. "Ah'm going to be asking Scott and Cable if Ah can come back to the team if that's all right with everybody."
"Yer brain has shrunk, hasn't it?" Terry asked. "Of course we want ye back, ye big silly."
"Yeah, it'd be great, Sam." Roberto agreed absently. "Look at her! Wow!" Terry lobbed her report at him. "Ow!"
"Just checking." Sam grinned.

They watched the volleyball tournament for a while. This involved the guys making blatantly chauvinistic suggestions and the girls shooting them down.
Shatterstar nudged Julia on the arm. She had her eyes closed and was attempting to catnap dispite the conversation. He had lost interest in the program early on but Roberto was closely guarding the remote control so he could not stage an overthrow.
"I have designed a new program for the Danger Room. Would you be interested in a duel?"
"Of course." She smiled.

Sam watched as they left the room. "Are y'all sure they're just friends?"
"Yup." Tabitha nodded. "Straight up asked them and everything."
"Huh. Ah wonder what Rictor would think." He said.
Jimmy looked over. "He'd probably do something stupid like hit on her."
"That would not be pretty." Roberto commented. "It'd be funny but not pretty."
"Do ye ever think it's nae nice to be gossiping about them like this?" Terry asked idly. "I'm nae saying we should stop."
Tabitha smirked at her. "What? You don't think they don't gossip about you and Wade with us when you're not around?"
"Way to go, Tabs. Now she knows." Jimmy griped.
"Ye do?" Terry asked with faint dread.
"We sure do." Sam put in. "Ah was kinda hoping to hear some more about that."
"Sure." Roberto smiled. "Terry, go away. We want to talk about you."
"Nae!" Terry protested.


The Danger Room was still a featureless metal box when she emerged from the changing rooms. He was waiting for her at the center of the room.
"What's on the agenda today?" Julia asked.
"I thought you would like to try something more akin to the style of duel that is sometimes found on my world." said Shatterstar. "Computer, begin program." He called out.
The room changed into a life-sized video game. Multiple platforms moved around above them. Various obstacles disappeared and appeared at random points over the room.
"Gods." She blinked. "This is definitely an environment not found in nature. What do we do?"
"There are two goals." He said. "One, is to accumulate those rings that you see there by touching them with your sword. The second is to prevent the other person from gaining those prizes."
"Okay. Start now?"
"Yes." Before he had finished speaking, he was pinned to the far wall. "Oof!"
The force wave dropped him but not before she had leapt to the next platform and run her sword through the first group of rings. He smiled her tactics and pulled his swords. Ah, you are such an enjoyable companion, he mused as he raced after her.


Cable and Domino came in to briefing room and regarded the assembled X-Men. Charles was there also, seated at the head of the table. It's only taken them overnight to decide what to do, she thought. That has to be a record.
"Please sit down." said Charles. "After discussions with the team, I have decided to endorse your recommendations.
"I'm pleased to hear that." Cable answered. He glanced around the table. "Does that mean the X-Men are on side?"
Scott nodded. "Yes, we are. However, we have some concerns."
Domino opened her notepad. "Go ahead." We got them all, she exulted. Things are falling into place.
"First, who will be in charge of this operation?" He started.
"We want to form a steering committee made up of members of the various teams. This should keep everybody on track and make sure they get their say at the same time." said Cable. "Domino will head things for this group."
Domino smiled at the bewildered looks on the faces of the X-Men. Charles nodded his acceptance.
"Why are you not leading this venture, Nathan?" Ororo asked. "I have thought that she is more suited to field duty."
"Storm, I'm right in front of you." said Domino in a deceptively friendly tone. "Please don't discuss me in the third person."
"I'll be around and we'll both be involved in field work when it becomes necessary." said Cable. I hate playing peacekeeper, he grumped to himself. "We'll leave it up to each team to decide who they want to sit on the steering committee their behalf."
Scott nodded. "We'll talk about that later then. Second, are you going to be contacting X-Factor?"
"Yes, we are." said Domino. "It'll have to be done when they're away from their keepers since we don't want word of what we're up to getting out to the wrong people. Something I'm asking everyone is don't discuss any of this with anyone without clearing with me first. Excalibur called in to say they're on board so feel free to talk to them."
"That certainly is reassuring." Hank smiled. "I feared I would have to conceal events from my good colleague Doctor McTaggart."
"Who's going to be going on the missions now?" Warren asked with slight metallic rustling of his artificial wings. They didn't need stretching like his natural ones had but he had retained the habit. It was sort of an avian nervous gesture.
"That's up for you to decide." said Cable. "We've listed our ideas on the report but if you feel you'd really rather contribute in some other way then we can work with that."
Bobby tapped the table. "What's up with the Massachusetts Academy? How come you guys and Emma want some of us to move there?"
"Are you volunteering?" Domino teased. He blushed slightly but didn't deny it. "This was a combination of Emma and Sean's concerns and ours. They're both well aware that they have their own problem people that might come out of the woodwork never mind that those kids have been attacked several times already. They'll be restructuring the setup now that they'll be working full time with us. Emma is looking to bring real instructors on staff so those kids will be actually learning something besides how to wear a uniform."
~Careful, Dom. They didn't have real teachers here~ Cable sent.
~Talking to these people is like skipping through a minefield. One wrong step and boom! They remember that they don't like us all that much~ She sent back.


Shatterstar eyed the final goal. They had accumulated an equal number of the lesser prizes so this would be the deciding strike. He balanced with practiced skill over the narrow walkway over the water tank. Normally, on his world, the last prize would be won by a fight to death but he had adjusted the parameters so that the looser would only suffer an unplanned swim. Their objective hung above their heads at the center of the beam. He flexed his left hand in habit. She had knocked his sword for that hand away during the match. He straightened in surprise when she came in sight. She was holding his left-hand sword.
"I found this on the floor. Did you want it back?" Julia asked teasingly. She twirled the blade over her hand with an unusual show of flash.
He wondered vaguely how he could entice her to add more such touches to her style.
"Yes, I think I will take it back." He declared.
She danced onto the beam. "Come and get it then."

As they dueled to a standstill on the walkway, Shatterstar decided that perhaps a more direct method was called for. He somersaulted over her and wrapped his arm around her from behind. His grip kept her arms pinned to her body.
"Hey!" Julia protested. Ooh, I like, she thought as he pressed against her. Stop that, she added automatically.
He sheathed his sword in his back harness then tried to take the second sword away from her as she struggled in his grasp.
"Give me back my sword and I will let you go."
"No. So there." She shot back.
"Are you being difficult?"
"Yes!" She flicked her wrist and flung the contested sword away, helped along with her weakest possible force wave. It went flying over the tank and clattered onto the floor. He released her and leapt for the last goal. The point of his sword touched as she kicked him off the beam.
"If I will get wet then so will you!" He called as he grabbed her ankle on the way down. She shrieked as she hit the water.

Julia broke the surface and treaded in place. "That was dirty pool." She accused.
Shatterstar grinned at her as he wiped a few strands of hair out of his eyes. "That is not correct. This water is fresh." He noticed both her hands were empty. "Where is your sword?"
"On the bottom. I didn't want accidentally jab you while you were paddling around."
"Ah. Thank you." He threw his sword over the edge of the tank to join its twin on the floor. "A tie, I think."
"Sure." She moved backwards a bit then spashed him in the face with a sweep of her arm.
"What was that for?" He sputtered.
"No reason." She smiled impishly.
He splashed back. "As you would say: this means war."


Charles retreated to his study after the meeting and thought about dreams. They occupied his mind a lot these days. His dream of peace between humans and mutants. Aren't we the same? He pondered. Then there was Magnus' dream of mutants ruling the humans. Magnus' didn't dream that anymore. Charles had made sure of that.
"Yes, I did." He said to the empty room.
But he dreamed Magnus' dreams now. He saw what his best friend had wanted. Peace. A world where his children's children would be safe. Everything Magnus had been was in his head now. The dreams were all mixed up.
"Dreams are fantasies aren't they, Charles?" He asked. "We discussed this before. They're ideals. And like many ideals, one may live one's entire life without reaching them."

Then there was the dreams of his students. They dreamed his dreams. He had made sure of that a long time ago. Gently. Subtly. They were so young, after all. They needed to have a strong dream to follow. They would have been lost otherwise. They had a new dream now. They didn't want to be heroes anymore. Nobody wanted to be a hero anymore except him. Heroes fought for dreams. They were soldiers now. They fought for causes. That's not what he wanted but they argued with him. They said they wanted to become soldiers and would he support that? So of course he said he would. He loved his students, after all. They were his family. His family of heroes.


Shatterstar opened the door to the mansion library. He and Julia had finally had enough of trying to drown each other and declared the duel over for now so he had some time to pursue his new interest. This was the only public room he had not yet been into during the team's residence. He had never had any interest in the contents before. He entered the room and looked around at the shelves of books. Where to start? He considered. He spotted a computer terminal and went over to investigate. An electronic catalogue. He sat down and typed in his desired subjects. He frowned at the list of matches. One hundred and seventy-one? Za's vid! Still, it is a starting point, he thought as he waited for the printer to produce the list.


Julia joined Tabitha and Terry outside after she had dried her hair enough to be presentable again. Good thing I was wearing workout clothes and not my armor, she thought. I would have sunk like a stone.

Tabitha waved a knife at her as she stepped on to the patio. "These ones are heavier than the other ones you gave me."
"That's because they're meant to knock a weapon out of someone's hand or puncture armor. The thinner ones you started with would only be used to strike someone in the eyes or similarly vulnerable point." Julia commented as she claimed a lawn chair. "Remember that most people in the business wear much more clothing than superheros. If your target is wearing spandex then you could probably throw a bread knife at them and do major damage."
Terry put her magazine down and smiled. "Ye really don't like spandex, do ye?"
"Not at all. Do you? Outside of distraction purposes, I don't see the point." She said.
Tabitha flung the next knife at the target that had been set up near the treeline with more strength. I'm going to have great arms after doing this, she thought. "Hey, you haven't seen distracting until you see Psylocke in her thong outfit. Sam flew into the wall the first time he saw it."
"Aye, that's right. Ye haven't see Betsy in her uniform yet, have ye?" Terry realized. "I pass as a nun compared to her."
"Thong?" Julia asked apprehensively. "Tell me you mean sandals."
"Nope. We mean butt-floss." Tabitha grinned.
She winced. "I don't think I'm ready for some aspects of heroism. Gods help her if she ever falls down on gravel."


Jimmy came looking for Shatterstar to notify him of lunch. He had searched in all the usual haunts without success so he was now trying all the unusual possibilities. He went into the library and stopped at the sight of Shatterstar studying some book. Whoa, get me a camera, he thought.
"Hey, 'Star?"
The alien looked up, slightly startled. "Yes?"
He sat down. "What are you doing in here?"
"I am reading. Is that not obvious?" Shatterstar asked as he placed a bookmark in the volume.
"Uh, not to sound insulting or anything but you're not exactly known for being a bookworm."
"True. I am not an insect." He said seriously. "However, I have been considering the arguments from yesterday's meeting. There are many new ideas to consider in this proposal and I am attempting to understand the philosophy behind them. It would have to be very powerful to sway a warrior such as Cable. Domino has advised me as to which subjects to study to understand from where she derived many of the principles."
"So, okay. How come you're studying like you've got finals tomorrow?" Jimmy asked.
"Finals? A test? No, I will not be tested immediately but when I return to my world I wish to be able to lead others." He regarded his teammate. "The Cadre Alliance functions very much like the teams here. We are also small groups of warriors who wage war against those who oppress us. Our efforts do not yield victory with those methods even after one hundred years of struggle. Did it not alarm you to hear of futures where all of your efforts have come to nothing?"
Jimmy shrugged. "I know it should bother me but I just can't get all worked up about it anymore. I'm kind of numb about the whole thing. Right now sucks so I'm not too surprised when people tell me the future sucks too."
"Have you lost faith in the promise of victory?" He asked. "You were dedicated to taking vengeance on those who slaughtered your people. Have you forsaken that?"
"No, I haven't. It's not a lack of faith or anything even close to religious. I'm just, I don't know, tired of it some days."
"I understand. Did you seek me out for a specific reason?"
Jimmy stood. "Yeah. It's lunchtime."
"Ah. Thank you. I had not noticed the time." said Shatterstar as he picked up his book.


Sam burst into the kitchen that had been set aside for X-Force.
"Ah'm baaaack!" He called. He was immediately tackled by Tabitha. "Ack!"
"Like, are you back to stuff your face and take off or are you back on the team?" She demanded.
"Ah'm back on the team." He announced with a grin.
Terry put down her tea. "That's great, Sam. How did ye get free?"
He planted himself on a chair. "Ah told Scott that Ah really didn't feel ready to become an X-Man and Ah still had a lot to learn before Ah accepted that kind of responsibility."
"He actually went for that?" Roberto asked. "Sounds like you were shoveling it pretty deep."
"Only up to his shins. Ah think Cable was trying not to laugh. He had that weird look on his face again. You know, the one where you think his belt's on too tight." Sam looked down at the spread. "What's all that?"
Julia put a dish in front of him. "Food. What does it look like?"
"It looks awful fancy." He commented as he picked up an interesting looking sandwich from the platter in the center of the table.
Terry smiled. "It was her turn to cook so we got this. I donnae think she's ever had home made food before."
"I have so." She sniffed.
They stared at her with blatant disbelief.
"Well, okay. The servants did it all but I know about it." Julia clarified. I'll bet you'd really say something if I told you I conjured this instead of actually preparing it. It did take me almost an hour to get the spell right so that's got to count as work.
Jimmy and Shatterstar straggled in and sat down.
"Hey, guys." said Jimmy as he sat down. "Wow. Gourmet day today. What's this leafy stuff?"
"Endive." Julia sighed. "Next time it's hot dogs and canned ravioli."
"No!" Roberto protested. "These uncultured souls might not appreciate this but I do."
Tabitha did a double take when Shatterstar placed his book on the counter behind him and sat down.
"What are you reading, 'Star?" She asked curiously. I've only ever seen the guy read the TV Guide in all the time he's been here.
"'A History of Political Thought'." He replied as he helped himself to a bowl of soup. He looked around at the sudden surprised silence. "What is wrong?"
"It's just different to see ye interested in books." Terry recovered gracefully. "Donnae ye like TV anymore?"
Shatterstar put his spoon down again. "I still enjoy watching television. However, the information I am seeking is not commonly broadcast."
Julia picked up the book and flipped through it. "Ugh. Flashbacks of political theory class."
"Assassins have to take political science?" Roberto asked.
"Yeah. And history and law. If you're going to be in a foreign country looking to snuff somebody you're supposed to be able to understand what might happen afterwards." She smiled. "I mean, if you did in a particular government official, will that cause a war? That sort of thing."
Sam tilted his head. "Ah thought you guys would just do how to fight."
She took a bite of her sandwich and nodded. "Did that too, of course. What did you guys cover when you were here? Or at the Hellfire school, Jimmy?"
Tabitha looked speculatively at the plate of desserts. She picked out a nice looking mousse. Julia could always be counted on to make a least one chocolate dish.
"We kinda ignored the sign out front about being a school and hung around waiting to go beat people up." She said as she searched for a clean spoon. "Didn't study any when I was tagging around X-Factor either."
Sam shook his head. "When 'Berto and Ah were in the New Mutants we studied a lot. Magneto was big on schooling."
"Yeah. You haven't done physics class until you've got the Master of Magnetism going off about the wonders of electrons and magnetic fields." Roberto grinned. "The practical demonstrations were great. He was totally into it. The exams were brutal though."
"They sure were." Sam agreed heartily. He remembered his manners in mid-bite. "This is really good, Julia."
"Thanks. I'm glad you like it." She smiled.
Jimmy reached for another sandwich. "Yeah. I like the salmon. This is salmon, isn't it? Anyway, the Hellions did regular classes. Frost's into schedules. The kids she's got her talons into now are supposed to be learning stuff like in real school but you'd never know it if you went to see the place."
Terry nodded. "She's nae a teacher so that's nae a shock. I dinnae know how me Da got into teaching those kids. He's always been a policeman of one type or another." She perused the desserts covetously. "Did ye make anything that does nae have over a thousand calories?"
"I'm unable to understand why you watch what you eat. We all jump around enough to burn damn near anything off." said Julia.
"I suppose so." She allowed. She selected a cup of chocolate pudding with a somewhat guilty happiness. "How about ye, 'Star?"
"I underwent a highly formalized education." said Shatterstar. "The goal of our trainers was not to impart theoretical knowledge but to create suitable warriors for the Arena."
"Yeah? How come you kick at all the computer stuff then?" Tabitha asked.
"As advanced as much of the technology that we encounter often is, it is hardly difficult to understand by the standards of my world." He explained. "This would be no different for any of you journeyed back into the past of this world."
"I donnae about that. I donnae think I would be much good with a spinning wheel." Terry commented.
Roberto leaned his chair back. "So who's going to be our deputy leader?"
Terry and Sam looked at each other over the kitchen table.
"We have nae yet decided." She said. "Sam, donnae get me wrong. Yer a good man but I wouldnae mind learning how to lead a team. We've only done the one real mission so far."
"I think I'd better stay out of this." Tabitha muttered "I want to vote for both of you."
"That's it!" Jimmy declared, waving his soda. "How about like what the X-Men do? No, wait. Don't gag yet. They've got two leaders. Scott and Ororo."
"There's more of them." said Julia. "I would think the best person to command would depend on the assignment."
"Good point." said Roberto. "You two could specialize in different in types of missions."
Sam thought for a few moments. "Ah like Jimmy's idea. What do you think, Terry?"
"Aye." Terry considered. "I like it too."


Cable and Domino sat in the communications room of the mansion and opened the secure line to the X-Factor facility. Forge appeared on screen. The mutant inventor was surrounded by heaps of miscellaneous technological odds and ends.
"I've setup some equipment that makes this transmission impossible to detect." He stated. "Now what's so important that you had to contact me telepathically rather than send a postcard?"
Domino smiled. "Hello, Forge. Nice to see you too. We've been doing a little plotting around here and want you guys to be in on it."
Forge looked interested despite his normally dour temperament. "Yeah? We're the good guys, Dom. We don't do conspiracies."
"We do now." said Cable. "Want to hear about them? We can fly down and see you in person."
"Of course. The entire team or just me?"
"Just your handsome self for now." Domino winked.
Forge laughed. "How can I say no to such a lovely lady? The same place as last time?"
"That's right. Can you get away with two days notice?" Cable asked.
"No problem. Say two o'clock?"
"We'll be there." Domino promised with a smile.


Julia was sitting on the floor reading her newest book when the doorbell rang. She sighed. Figures. I finally want to study and I get interrupted. She stood and regarded the glowing circle around her. Better put away my homework. She waved a hand and the circle disappeared. She picked up the volume and tucked it back into the bookcase. I'm glad the textbooks are still in Latin. Somebody would notice that I've got titles like 'Advanced Spell Casting' and 'Practical Conjuring for Common Use'.

"Yes?" She asked into the intercom. Who'd be around at almost midnight?
"Bon soir, petite. C'est Remy."

Well, that's who. She opened the door. Remy LeBeau was outside holding a potted fern.
"A tardy housewarming gift, petite." He said with a smile as he came in.
"Merci, monsieur." She said as she accepted the greenery. Hmm. Where will this go? Oh, I know. She walked over and placed the plant on the water cooler.
"May I offer you a glass of wine?" She asked as she fussed with the arrangement of the leaves.
"Oui." Remy said as he hung up his trenchcoat. He was wearing his full uniform since he had been planning to visit some professional friends later.
She glanced at him on her way to the wine rack and froze in shock.
"Gods, Remy." She managed. "What have you done to your clothes?"
He glanced down. I haven't spilled anything on myself, have I? "Wha' you mean?"
"Why'd you change the colours?"
"Wha'? Des be de colours of de Guild. You know dat."
"Bright blue and hot pink?" She asked disbelievingly as she opened a bottle. "I thought you thieves wear grey and gold."
He sat down heavily on the sofa. "Say you be joking wit' Remy."
"No, I'm not. You're wearing blue and pink armor. I'm not going to even start about the brown trenchcoat." I will not giggle, she told herself firmly. He is a master of the Guild and commands my respect no matter how badly dressed he is.
"Merde." He muttered. "Chere, I see only greys. I see great in de dark, into de infrared even, but I don' see colour."
"I beg your pardon." She apologized as she placed the glasses on the table.
"Non. You didn' know." He said. Damn, I thought that tailor was laughing at something, too. "De team t'inks dis is what de armor is supposed to look like. Dis is what I got when I go home a few years ago."
"I think you should have a word with whoever made you that suit." She said finally.
"Oui." He agreed. "I show him a few of my special card tricks, neh?"
"Yes, definitely. What brings you by?"
Remy settled back and sipped his wine. "De plant actually. It be in my room for over a week so I t'ought I better give it to you before it died."
"Oh, so you brought it over to die? That's cheery." She smiled.
"I try, petite." He grinned.

They traded some gossip about the Guild members they knew. Information, especially scandalous information, made the rounds at nearly light speed in the Guild. Remy wasn't too surprised to learn that the story of his abortive romance with Rogue had hit the overseas houses already.

"So yesterday I get a call from Belle." said Remy. "I tell her I be coming home soon to fix t'ings between us. She say dat nice but she be calling because she hear dat you have a boyfriend."
"What? Who the hell told her that?" Julia asked.
"I t'ink Simon did. You had to give reason why you wan' to take leave, non?"
"Yes but I didn't say that." She pointed out quickly. "I said I met a nice group of people that I wanted to work with."
"Don' matter. He figure out you like to stay in America because you sweet on somebody. Dat be news."
She put a hand over her eyes. "Oh gods."
"Oui. Don' worry. I only tell his name, not'ing more." He smirked. "In ot'er news, I be on good terms wit' de Doctor again. You know he don' have de staff around anymore?"
She raised an eyebrow. "I thought the place was quiet the last time I visited but I didn't want to ask. Have they gone back to the unemployment office?"
"Non. I don' t'ink der around at all." He hinted. "De copies kept screwing up der missions so he give up on dem."
"Oh." Pop go the clones. That might not be so bad, she realized. He might need some contract help now.
"I know somebody who wants his advice. Does the old number still work?"
"Oui. You coming to de mansion tomorrow?"
She nodded. "Yes. It's a practice day."
"Bon. I see you later den." He stood. "T'ank you for de drink, petite."
"You're welcome. Thank you for the gift."


Domino studied her handiwork with a pleased smile. The Danger Room was now a sophisticated shooting gallery. The other teams mostly passed over conventional weapons training in favor of long hours of practicing with their mutant abilities. It made for a highly proficient mutant but a lousy field operative from her point of view. With power suppression devices becoming disturbingly more common among the anti-mutant organizations, she had resolved to ensure that her team would not be caught short if they did not have access to their powers. If these kids are going to be telling people that they were trained by me and Nate then I'm going to make sure that they can live up to our reps, she thought.

The kids came into the control room and looked expectantly at her. She waved at the side counter where an assortment of firearms and ammunition clips was displayed.
"Okay, gang. Pick up whatever gun looks good to you. It's a solo run in a dead zone so you can't use your powers out of habit. The object isn't speed, it's accuracy. Your opponents are shooting back with paintballs so you'll know if you've been hit. Julia, since you're new, we'll pick on you. You'll go first. Everybody else can wait up here."


Julia entered the room cautiously. It was very bright and hot. A desert, she thought as she toed the new sand. No powers and fake enemies means the magic I know is out too. I'm down to me and my gun. Oh well, that's good enough.

She started running across the dunes. Various tribal marauders appeared with their own guns raised. They didn't move as fast as she did so getting to them first wasn't the problem she had originally estimated. Smarten up, she told herself. If the computer can make a mini-desert out of the air, it probably can learn what I can do.

"She must be baking in that outfit." Tabitha remarked. "How come you made her do a desert, Dom?"
Domino raised her eyebrow at the ratings the computer was calculating. "Assassins like to sneak around in the dark. Especially in areas with places to hide. I wanted see how she'd do with neither of those."
"Her boldness in combat does not seem to be diminished in any way." Shatterstar noted without turning his head. He had sat himself down nearest the window to ensure a full view of events.
Terry smirked. "Ye look like ye really like watching her."
He was not inclined to blushing for which he was now quite grateful. He did enjoy watching her but it seemed strangely embarrassing for the others to know to what degree. He merely nodded his agreement instead.

The computer was learning. The tribesmen were getting faster and better at avoiding her shots. I'm going to run out of ammo, extra clips or not, Julia thought as she reloaded. Looks like Dom is trying to do me in with numbers since I can't blast them with my power this time. I wonder if their guns are real? Must be if they can hit me. She rolled as she took out the next group of targets and picked up one of the weapons. She shot the next set of enemies with the paint gun and they dropped. Heh, my ammo worries are over and I'm much more efficient with a gun in each hand.

It didn't take long after that revelation. She dropped the last of the tribesmen and the room returned to its plain steel box state. After a moment, she put the paint ball gun on the floor and it vanished as well. Wow. That's nifty, she thought.

Domino nodded to her as she entered the control room. "Good job."
"Thank you. Who's going next?" Julia asked as she sat down.
"Sam will."
"Ah will?" Sam asked. "Ah guess Ah will. Will Ah get that many critters coming after me too?"
"You'd better hope not. That looked like a freakin' army down there." said Tabitha.
"Just get your butt in gear, Guthrie." Domino ordered.


Sam crept into the woods, every nerve on edge. He had his gun out and ready. There was a movement to his right and he quickly targeted his first two computer-generated opponents. He was aware that he wanted to engage his blast field and barrel through the trees. I've been spoiled, he thought. This could really happen one day. He dropped the next two fake huntsmen. Good thing Daddy taught me how to shoot.

He was feeling confident that he could complete the run without getting shot at when his gun went *click*.
"Dang. Ah'm out of ammo." He muttered out loud.

Domino frowned. That's sloppy, Sam, she thought. Don't stop and talk to yourself. You know better than that. She made a few notes for the review session. Nate would be finished his talk with Scott and Ororo about the new roles of the X-Men by then.
"The great white hunter better get going." Jimmy observed. "There's plaid terror in those woods."
"I've always wondered why those sportsmen-types wore loud clothes." Tabitha mused. "I mean, you can't sneak up on anything looking like that."
"Deer aren't known for their higher thought processes." said Roberto.

The huntsmen came out of hiding as Sam reloaded. He felt a dull pain in his leg and looked down to see a splatter of green paint. He quickly turned and shot his assailants. Better get under cover, he thought. He debated whether he should try for a second gun. Nah, I can't aim worth a hill of beans with my left hand no matter how much Cable tried to get me to practice. He resumed his standard two handed grip on his gun and finished off the attackers. Each to their own.

He went back up. "Them paintballs sting."
"And bright green looks great on the purple." said Julia as she examined a spare laser gun.
"We'll get you tagged yet." Domino promised. "Your outfit could use a few highlights."
"Not likely."
"Could be worse. At least black is cool. Shatty had this all-white getup for the longest time." Tabitha commented. "With an ity-bity cape and everything."
Shatterstar looked over. "I have heard your criticisms of my first uniform before, Tabitha."
"Can I tell her about the goofy-looking helmet then?" She asked.
"Before we get too deep into the fashion discussion, 'Star's going to do his run." said Domino. "You can talk about his goofy-looking helmet when he's down there."
"I am hesitant now that you will be slandering me in my absence." said Shatterstar.
"We'd do it with ye here but Dom wants ye to get going." said Terry reasonably.


Shatterstar opened the door to the room and looked in. It was a devastated city at dawn. There was the merest glow of light over the horizon. How to do this? He considered. There was ample cover to be had but he was not inclined to creep about. Be bold warrior, he told himself.

His training came to the fore as the inhabitants of the city ruins came after him. His abilities were in the computer's memory so his generated opponents were a suitably challenging match for him. He eliminated the next group of attackers and quickly acquired another weapon from his fallen enemies.

Julia kept her expression carefully neutral as she watched. She flicked her glance to the panels. I wonder if this is being recorded? I wouldn't mind my own copy. Sheesh, you stop that, she scolded herself. It's bad enough that you're staring at him.
"So tell me about this infamous helmet, Tabs." She said.
Tabitha spun around in her chair in thought. "It kinda looked like a brown hairband and faceguard combined but without the grid in the front. It matched this really big shoulder pad he had."
Julia turned slightly. "Pad? Singular?"
"Good grief. He would look permanently lopsided. Didn't they have enough material to do the other one?"
"That's nae so bad. Jimmy had two of these simply enormous shoulder pads that looked like somebody cut out sides of tires and glued them on." said Terry.
"Yeah, okay. It bit the big one." Jimmy mumbled. "Tab's pink outfit had 'Boomer' written down the leg."
"Labeled clothing was in back then!" said Tabitha defensively.

Shatterstar studied the massing group of his enemies. Domino was testing more than his accuracy with firearms, he realized. He considered as the numbers of opponents slowly increased. I will be true to what I am, he thought. A warrior. But I am not in the Arena now. I do not perform as a spectacle. What would I do at home? I would place myself at the center of those creatures and fight them. It would be a glorious battle and the highest ratings would be assured. He smiled to himself and began to move. The show is over, Mojo-kissers.

They watched as Shatterstar started shooting down the crowd that was laying in wait for him. He was using a kind of strafing maneuver to pick them off from the outside and was working inwards with deadly accuracy.
Domino leaned forward. "Sonofabitch. He figured it out."

Shatterstar went back to the control room and they applauded. He bowed with a pleased smile.
"Ah thought you were going to get right painted for sure." Sam remarked.
"I would have been so." He glanced at Domino. "Had I not looked before I leaped."
Domino smiled. "And you even got the saying right. Okay, Tab. You're up."


Tabitha edged along the fencing. The suburban neighborhood was the type with the identical housing plans repeating throughout the impractical curving streets. Even if you came home stone cold sober you'd have a bitch of a time figuring out which place was yours, she thought. Some unfriendly neighbors appeared and she snuffed them almost as quickly as she could with her timebombs. There's got to be something said for being so hyped up you can barely stand still. It sure helps me.

She ducked behind a car then waited until she could hear footsteps on the pavement. Buh-bye, now. She rolled out and dropped the four fake guys that were trying to creep up on her. She shook her hand out and ran towards the playground. I have to remember to pick a smaller gun next time. The recoil is a bitch on this one. Hey, wait. I can use both hands too, she realized. And the paint guns count. She holstered her gun and snagged two of the abandoned paint guns.

"Now that's something I never expected to see." said Roberto as they watched Tabitha blast away at her opponents with both hands.
"Ah'm so proud." said Sam with a grin. "Mah girl is kicking holographic butt."

I don't have nearly the number of baddies that 'Star did, Tabitha thought. That's okay, that means a few more shots and I'm done. She swapped her two paint guns for a new pair and finished the final group of attackers.

She was all smiles when she went up the control room. "The blonde bomber comes back paint-free!"
"Way to go, Tabs!" They cheered in ragged chorus.
"Really well done, Tabitha. That was some good thinking down there." Domino complimented. "Your turn, Roberto. The pressure is on."


Roberto pushed his way through the rainforest. The humidity has to be about ninety percent, he thought wiping his forehead. I never notice this sort of thing when I'm powered up. I'm in a rainforest so what will I get? Vicious pygmies? He ducked as he heard a sound to his left. Paintballs spattered against the mossy trees. Yup. He turned and fired. His diminutive attackers dropped to the forest floor. If this was real, they would have no trouble finding you DaCosta, he thought. A solid green forest and you're dressed like a purple grape with yellow trim. Not exactly the best cammo gear.

He picked off a few more little foes and moved deeper into the greenery. Use your brain, he told himself. If Dom is testing more than our shooting skills she'll be picking on your weaknesses. He jumped over a fallen tree as he shot another pair of opponents. Get a second gun too? I think so. I'm more than a good enough shot with my left. He snagged one of the abandoned paint guns and used immediately on the pygmies creeping up behind him I've always been told I'm reckless and headstrong, he recalled. Okay, just keep cool and work through the program. There aren't any girls around to impress anyways.

"He's moving a lot more cautiously then he usually does." Jimmy commented. "He and Ric were almost tied for the 'flying of the handle' award."
"Well, it cannae be for lack of sugar. He had his Coco Puffs this morning." said Terry.

Roberto continued to shoot and duck methodically. I can't get hit, he told himself. Sam's been slacking with the X-Men but I don't have that excuse. The pygmies weren't set to be an overwhelming number and they were moving at human-normal. One last cluster of opponents hit the forest floor and the program ended. He threw his paint gun in the air in triumph.

He went up to the control room with a grin. "Am I good or what?"
"Do you actually wish an answer?" Shatterstar asked.
"Good stuff, 'Berto." said Domino. "Kept it under control there."
"Thank you, my lady." Roberto smiled. "Who's up next?"
Jimmy stood up with a sigh. "I am."
"Your enthusiasm is simply stunning." Domino commented.


Jimmy waded though the murky swamp. Why do I get the messy scenario? He wondered. This looks like something out of a bad war movie. He heard the faintest sound behind him. He spun as much as he could on his footing of mud and shot the soldiers sneaking up behind him. Better get to some solid ground.

Domino nodded to herself. Just as I thought. His senses are still way up there. It's become a permanent mutation. That's good to know.
"Jimmy never was much into guns." Sam remarked. "Cable had the darnest time getting him to practice."
"Is it some cultural preference?" Julia asked. "Or maybe a religious reason?"
Robert shook his head. "Nah. He just didn't want to."

The soldiers were attacking faster now. Dom's got my speed ratings, Jimmy thought as he reloaded. I can't full out if there's an inhibitor field up. He flinched slightly at the sting of a strike on his shoulder.
"Damn." He muttered as he shot his assailant. I've got to remember to keep looking around. Come on, Proudstar, get into it.

"Okay, he looks pissed now." said Tabitha. "He's just mowing them down."
"He is remarkably mild for the most part but quite formidable when provoked." Shatterstar observed.

Jimmy came back up with a sheepish grin. "One hit. Not too bad."
"Not at all for someone who doesn't use firearms often." Domino allowed. "But if it had been for real your shoulder would have been missing."
"I guess it's my turn now." Terry sighed.
"You can't get hit, Terry." Tabitha instructed. "You'll make our side look bad."
"Ye can stop pressuring me any time now." She said as she left.


Terry stepped on to a quiet downtown street. Almost like a real city at four in the morning, she thought as she moved further into the room. There's nobody about. Almost. A couple of generic thugs came out of an alley and she shot them before they could bring their paint guns to bear. That's a good start, she thought. Especially since I'm the one practiced even less than Jimmy when Cable asked us to. I always figured I would have my powers if I was in a fight. She dropped another would-be mugger as she looked around the next corner.

She ducked behind a car as few more thugs emerged from a dinner. Be quick, she told herself as she stood and shot at them. One of them managed to hit her just above her hip before she dropped him. Bloody hell, she cursed in the privacy of her mind.

"Aw man." Tabitha groused. "Now the female winning streak is over."
"Cut her some slack, Tabs." Sam chided. "Terry isn't the gun-toting type and she's a lot less jumpy than you."

I think I've got the least number of beasties coming after me, Terry thought as she hopped over a broken fence. If I'm going to be a deputy leader I'm going to have to get better at this. I won't do for me to be hit if we were on a mission. The last of the thugs came out hiding and she made short work of them.

She sighed as she entered the control room. "Ye donnae need to say anything. I know I need to practice."
"Okay, I'll skip that for now." Domino agreed. "You've got the accuracy but we'll work on technique and speed."


The new training programs were assigned after they reviewed the sessions. Everyone would be doing a variety of weapons training, from plasma rifles to knife fighting. The differences would depend on the areas that had been perceived to need the most improvement. Domino decided that Julia needed to be brought up to speed with the technology more than she needed further training with conventional weapons. Shatterstar was faintly annoyed that he would be required to practice using his mutant power since Cable had decided he had not developed his ability to his full potential.

"I feel unduly singled out." said Shatterstar as they spilled out of the briefing room. "Not even Tabitha is require to continue training in her abilities at this point."
"What kind of training did you have at home?" Julia asked.
"Nothing of a formal kind." He admitted. "I developed my ability during in my time in the Arena. I used it infrequently after I joined the Cadre Alliance."
"Well, there you are. No wonder Cable wants you to practice." She said. "I'm not too keen on being force-fed computer information but since I'm the token techno-dweeb, I shouldn't be surprised."

End of Part One

Part 2

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