by Cosmic
Disclaimer: Marvel owns them, but the story’s mine. I’m not sure I want to keep it, though, as it’s evil and all. ;) Thanks to Lys for beta’ing. Any and all feedback loved at cosmic1982@hotmail.com
I...I have absolutely no idea what to say. I spent most of the day just by coming here and now when I finally am here I don’t know what to say.
I know what I have to, what I need to, say but I have no flonqing idea whatsoever how to say it. Who am I kidding? You’ll know what I mean. You always do.
I love you. I always have and I always will. But I also...I also love her. You know all of this already, but...I felt like saying it. And something’s happened. Not something bad, or something you might perceive as good, but something...different.
Love isn’t something I take lightly. “You don’t take anything lightly,” you’d say. And you’d be right. I don’t. Maybe I have that right. There are few things in this world, in this life, that can be taken lightly. I...I know I’m babbling. I just want you to know I thought long and hard before I made my decision.
No, that’s a bit of a lie. I didn’t think as much I felt. I felt this to be right. The right things at the right time.
Time. Yes, I was thinking about time again. How could I not? Forever’s a long time, but not too long. Forever is the promise I gave to you, but the promise can't be kept. It's already been broken. I let you down and I'm not asking you to forgive for betraying my word. I...I'm not sure what I'm asking.
Maybe...I want your approval. Maybe I want your acceptance. Can you give me that? Can you grant me that final request? Can you let go?
Because if you don't...I'm not sure if I can go one with this. It means that much to me.
I love you. Never forget that.
“Sir?” I turned around to find Sam, looking at me impatiently. His blue eyes looked back at me, sad and happy at the same time. The younger man squeezed my shoulder and continued. “It’s time.”
I smiled at him. “I know. Just...give me one more minute.”
He nodded sadly and walked out of hearing range to give me the privacy I needed. I kneeled in front of the stone that was the memorial of both my son and my wife. “Goodbye.” No answer came, except for the brush of wind on my face.
“Sam? I’m ready.”
“Dearly beloved, we’re gathered here today, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony...”
For one brief moment, I looked away from the minister and from my beautiful Domino and saw the clouds clearing up, the sun letting its rays shine towards us, creating a halo of sorts above us.
“Thank you,” I whispered so quietly not even Dom could hear. I turned to face the minister again.
And somewhere in the back of my mind, I could’ve sworn I heard her voice whisper me “You’re welcome.”